Amazingmidi 1.70
AmazingMIDI 1. 70 Englisch Die Freeware konvertiert WAVDateien in das kompakte MIDIFormat. Free Download AmazingMIDI 1. A simple and userfriendly application developed to offer you an easy means of converting WAV files to MIDI format. This program automatically transcribes music, converting WAV files into MIDI files. Die Top 100 Downloads der Woche rund ums Thema Converter haben wir in unserer Liste fr Sie zusammengefasst. Amazing. MIDI Download. Amazing. MIDI is a straight forward and reliable piece of software developed mainly for music transcription purposes, providing you with an easy means of turning WAV audio files to MIDI, in just a few button presses. Clean cut user interface. Subsequent to a simple and uneventful installation process, you can launch the application and begin working with it, as it requires no previous experience in handling such tools. Here is a sample file converted with AmazingMIDI. Try to listen sample. KB sample. mid 1KB Whats New. Version 1. 70 August 20, 2003. The main window of Amazing. MIDI is fairly basic, offering no particularly attractive elements, yet being quite practical and easy to understand. It features three main fields which allow you to load the Tone File, Input File and Output File, enabling you to choose the preferred save location and name. All the functions available in the programs toolbar have a corresponding option in Amazing. MIDIs several menus. Load your WAV and start transcribing it to generate the MIDI file. After loading the targeted WAV file, you can press the Transcribe button, which will cause a window to appear, letting you adjust the Minimum Analysis level of decibels, with the option to use Amplitude Axis Filter. Moreover, you can customize the Minimum Relative decibels value and activate the Time Axis Filter, while also being able to perform a Spectrum Analysis Redo, with the possibility of applying Manual Pitch Adjustment. Next, you can choose the Program Number from the drop down menu, referring to the preferred music instrument, with several available alternatives, for instance Acoustic Grand Piano, Clavi, Harpsichord, Celesta, Harmonica, Electric Guitar, Violin, Cello, Trumpet, Tuba and many others. After making your decision, you can press the Start button and Amazing. MIDI will begin to process your WAV file, outputting the result within moments and displaying the visual transcription in its main window, allowing you to zoom in or out of the image, for a better view. Intuitive audio transcriber. To summarize, Amazing. MIDI is a handy and efficient utility that can successfully assist you in converting your WAVs to MIDI format, with just a few quick mouse moves, and almost no effort at all. Rocket Mania Deluxe Full Crack there.