Things To Do After Install Ubuntu

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Things to Do After Minimal RHELCent. OS 7 Installation. Cent. OS is a Industry Standard Linux Distribution which is a derivative of Red. Hat Enterprise Linux. You may start using the OS as soon as you install it, but to make the most out of your system you need to perform a few updates, install a few packages, configure certain services and application. Tip As I had mentioned in things to do after installing Ubuntu 16. Canonical partner repository. By default, Ubuntu provides only those. So youve finished your Ubuntu install. Now what You probably want to feel more at home with your new operating system, so here are a few tips on what you. UPDATE You can also install OpenCV 3. Ubuntu 16. 04LTS. Many people have used my previous tutorial about installing OpenCV 2. Ubuntu 9. 10. This article aims at 3. Things to Do After Installing RHELCent. GB/fig04.png_lightbox.png' alt='Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' title='Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' />Heres 17 things to do after installing Ubuntu 17. GTK theme, and plenty more. OS 7. The post is written keeping in mind you have installed RHELCent. OS Minimal Install which is preferred in Enterprise and production environment, if not you can follow below guide that will show you minimal installations of both. Installation of Cent. OS 7 Minimal. Installation of RHEL 7 Minimal. The following are the list of important things, which weve covered in this guide based on industry standard requirements. We hoping that, these things will be very helpful in setting up your server. Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription. After minimal RHEL 7 installation, its time to register and enable your system to Red Hat Subscription repositories and perform a full system update. This is valid only if you have a valid Red. Hat Subscription. Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' title='Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' />Things To Do After Install UbuntuYou need to register your in order to enable official Red. Hat System repositories and update the OS from time to time. We have already covered a detailed instructions on how to register and active Red. Hat subscription at the below guide. Register and Enable Red Hat Subscription Repositories in RHEL 7. Note This step is only for Red. Hat Enterprise Linux having a valid subscription. If you are running a Cent. OS server immediately move to further steps. Configure Network with Static IP Address. The first thing you need to do is to configure Static IP address, Route and DNS to your Cent. The New Ubuntu 17. Artful Aardvark launch with GNOME3 has brought a big change and got a lot of people excited to try it as soon as they can. Twain Driver For Lexmark Scanner And Printer. OS Server. We will be using ip command the replacement of ifconfig command. However, ifconfig command is still available for most of the Linux distributions and can be installed from default repository. Provides ifconfig utility. But as I said we will be using ip command to configure static IP address. So, make sure you first check the current IP address. Now open and edit file etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg enp. Here, Im using Vi editor and make sure you must be root user to make changes vi etcsysconfignetwork scriptsifcfg enp. Now we will be editing four fields in the file. Note the below four fields and leave everything else untouched. Also leave double quotes as it is and enter your data in between. IPADDR Enter your static IP here. GATEWAY Enter your Default Gateway. DNS1 Your Domain Name System 1. DNS2 Your Domain Name System 2. After making the changes ifcfg enp. Notice your IP, GATEWAY and DNS will vary, please confirm it with your ISP. Save and Exit. Network Details. Up2zDUFn0qA/Um9XHORIJcI/AAAAAAAAIS4/42crS0bcvVs/s1600/ubuntu1310-saucy-thingstodo-after-install.png' alt='Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' title='Things To Do After Install Ubuntu' />Restart service network and check the IP is correct or not, that was assigned. If everything is ok, Ping to see network status service network restart. Restart Network Service. After restarting network, make sure to check the IP address and network status ip addr show. Verify IP Address. Check Network Status. Set Hostname of Server. The next thing to do is to change the HOSTNAME of the Cent. OS sever. Check the currently assigned HOSTNAME. HOSTNAME. Check System Hostname. To set new HOSTNAME we need to edit etchostsname and replace old hostname with the desired one. Set System Hostname. After setting hostname, make sure to confirm hostname by logout and login again. After login check new hostname. HOSTNAME. Confirm New Hostname. Alternatively you may use command hostname command to view your current hotsname. Update or Upgrade Cent. OS Minimal Install. This will not install any new packages other than updating and installing the latest version of installed packages and security updates. Moreover Update and Upgrade are pretty same except the fact that Upgrade Update enable obsoletes processing during updates. Update Minimal Cent. OS Server. Important You can also run the below command which will not prompt for the packages update and you do not need to type y for accepting the changes. However it is always a good idea to review the changes which is going to take place on the sever specially in production. Hence using the below command may automate the update and upgrade for you but it is not recommended. Install Command Line Web Browser. In most cases, specially in production environment, we usually install Cent. OS as command line with no GUI, in this situation we must have a commandline browsing tool to check websites via terminal. For this, we going to install a most famous tool called links. Links Commandline Web Browsing. For usage and examples to browse web sites u links tool, read our article Command Line Web Browsing with Links Tool. Install Apache HTTP Server. No matter for what purpose you will be using the server, in most of the cases you need a HTTP server to run websites, multimedia, client side script and many other things. Install Apache Server. If you would like to change default port 8. Apache HTTP Server to any other port. You need to edit the configuration file etchttpdconfhttpd. LISTEN 8. 0. Change port number 8. Change Apache Port. Add the port you just opened for Apache through firewall and then reload firewall. Allow service http through firewall Permanent. Allow port 3. 22. Permanent. firewall cmd permanent add port3. Free Turbo Grafx 16 Emulator For Android'>Free Turbo Grafx 16 Emulator For Android. Reload firewall. firewall cmd reload. After making all above things, now its time to restart Apache HTTP server, so that the new port number is taken into effect. Now add the Apache service to system wide to start automatically when system boots. Now verify the Apache HTTP Server by using links command line tool as shown in the below screen. Verify Apache Status.