Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool
List of TCP and UDP port numbers. This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols of the transport layer of the Internet protocol suite for the establishment of host to host connectivity. SecurityStudy. A tabela abaixo indica o status da porta com as seguintes cores e legendas. Oficial se a aplicao e a combinao da porta est no IANA list of port assignments. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Originally, port numbers were used by the Network Control Program NCP in the ARPANET for which two ports were required for half duplex transmission. Later, the Transmission Control Protocol TCP and the User Datagram Protocol UDP needed only one port for full duplex, bidirectional traffic. Black White Creature Isle Pc more. The even numbered ports were not used, and this resulted in some even numbers in the well known port number range being unassigned. The Stream Control Transmission Protocol SCTP and the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol DCCP also use port numbers. They usually use port numbers that match the services of the corresponding TCP or UDP implementation, if they exist. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses. However, many unofficial uses of both well known and registered port numbers occur in practice. Similarly many of the official assignments refer to protocols that were never or are no longer in common use. This article lists port numbers and their associated protocols that have experienced significant uptake. Table legendedit Official Port is registered with IANA for the application. Unofficial Port is not registered with IANA for the application. Multiple use Multiple applications are known to use this port. TemplateRefimprove This is a list of Internet socket port numbers used by protocols of the transport layer of the Internet Protocol Suite for the establishment of. DSCAgsynv0diMmWb5ccENj4gHQst7pebNWYi0GJItZ737Z7ESBl9yxDU5xnZGGc-screenshot-4-s-.png' alt='Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' title='Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' />. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Well known portseditThe port numbers in the range from 0 to 1. They are used by system processes that provide widely used types of network services. On Unix like operating systems, a process must execute with superuser privileges to be able to bind a network socket to an IP address using one of the well known ports. Well known ports. Port. TCPUDPDescription. IANA status. 0NANAIn programming APIs not in communication between hosts, requests a system allocated dynamic port4NA0. Reserved. Reserved. Reserved. Official. TCPAssigned. TCP Port Service Multiplexer TCPMUX. Historic. Both TCP and UDP have been assigned to TCPMUX by IANA,1 but by design only TCP is specified. Official. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. TCPUDPRemote job entry. Official. 6Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' title='Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' />Official. TCPUDPEcho Protocol67Official. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' title='Teamspeak 3 Server Query Tool' />UDPDiscard Protocol9Official. UDPWake on LAN1. Unofficial. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. TCPUDPActive Users systat service1. Official. 12. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Edgy Labs seeks to keep you informed and aware. Use this Google dorks list responsibly, legally, and with our kindest regards. If you are unfamiliar with Google. Die folgende Liste enthlt die Zuordnung von TCPUDPPorts zu Protokollen, die von der IANA standardisiert wurden. Eine vollstndige Liste kann unter unixoiden. Official. 13. TCPUDPDaytime Protocol1. Official. 14. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. 15. TCPUDPPreviously netstat service11. Unofficial. 16. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. 17. TCPUDPQuote of the Day QOTD1. Official. 18. TCPUDPMessage Send Protocol1. Official. 19. TCPUDPCharacter Generator Protocol CHARGEN1. Official. 20. Assigned. File Transfer Protocol FTP data transfer7Official. Assigned. File Transfer Protocol FTP control command781. Official. 22. UDPSecure Shell SSH,7 secure logins, file transfers scp, sftp and port forwarding. Official. 23. TCPAssigned. Telnet protocolunencrypted text communications72. Official. 25. TCPAssigned. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP,72. Official. 26. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. 37. TCPUDPTime Protocol2. Official. 38. TCPUDPRoute Access Protocol RAP2. Official. 39. TCPUDPResource Location Protocol RLP2. Official. 40. Reserved. Reserved. Unassigned. Official. 42. TCPUDPHost Name Server Protocol2. Official. 43. TCPUDPWHOIS protocol2. Official. 49. TCPUDPTACACS Login Host protocol2. Official. 50. TCPUDPRemote Mail Checking Protocol3. Official. 51. Reserved. Official. 51. TCPUDPPreviously Interface Message Processor logical address managementcitation neededUnofficial. TCPUDPXerox Network Systems XNS Time ProtocolimportanceOfficial. TCPUDPDomain Name System DNS7Official. TCPUDPXerox Network Systems XNS clearinghouseimportanceOfficial. TCPUDPXerox Network Systems XNS authenticationimportanceOfficial. TCPUDPAny private terminal accessfurther explanation neededOfficial. TCPUDPXerox Network Systems XNS MailimportanceOfficial. Assigned. UDPBootstrap Protocol BOOTP server 7 also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCPOfficial. Assigned. UDPBootstrap Protocol BOOTP client 7 also used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCPOfficial. Assigned. UDPTrivial File Transfer Protocol TFTP73. Official. 70. TCPUDPGopher protocol3. Official. 717. 4TCPUDPNETRJS protocol3. Official. 75. TCPUDPAny private dial out servicefurther explanation neededOfficial. TCPUDPAny private Remote job entryfurther explanation neededOfficial. TCPAssigned. Finger protocol73. Official. 80. UDP4. Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP74. Official. 80. UDPQUIC from Chromium for HTTPcitation neededUnofficial. NANAUnassigned. Official. TCPTor. Parkonion routingverification neededUnofficial. UDPTor. Park controlverification neededUnofficial. Any private terminal linkfurther explanation neededOfficial. TCPAssigned. Kerberos74. Official. 90. TCPUDPdnsix Do. D Network Security for Information Exchange Securit sic Attribute Token MapimportanceOfficial. TCPUDPPoint. Cast dotcom1third party source neededUnofficial. TCPWIP message protocolverification neededUnofficial. NANAUnassigned with known unauthorized usefurther explanation needed1Official. TCPUDPNIChost name. Official. 10. 2TCPUDPISO Transport Service Access Point TSAP Class 0 protocol 4. Official. 10. 4TCPUDPDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine DICOM also port 1. Official. 10. 5TCPUDPCCSO Nameserver4. Official. 10. 7TCPUDPRemote User Telnet Service RTelnet4. Official. 10. 8TCPUDPIBM Systems Network Architecture SNA gateway access server. Official. 10. 9TCPUDPPost Office Protocol, version 2 POP25. Official. 11. 0TCPAssigned. Post Office Protocol, version 3 POP375. Official. 11. 1TCPUDPOpen Network Computing Remote Procedure Call ONC RPC, sometimes referred to as Sun RPCOfficial. TCPIdent, authentication serviceidentification protocol,75. IRC servers to identify users. Official. 11. 3TCPAssigned. Authentication Service auth, the predecessor to identification protocol. Used to determine a users identity of a particular TCP connection. Official. 11. 4NANAUnassigned deprecated since June 2. Official. 11. 5TCPUDPSimple File Transfer Protocol75. Official. 11. 7TCPUDPUUCP Mapping Project path servicecitation neededOfficial. TCPUDPStructured Query Language SQL ServicesJargonOfficial. TCPAssigned. Network News Transfer Protocol NNTP,7 retrieval of newsgroup messages5. Official. 12. 3Assigned. UDPNetwork Time Protocol NTP, used for time synchronization7Official. TCPUDPFormerly Unisys Unitary Login, renamed by Unisys to NXEdit. Used by Unisys Programmers Workbench for Clearpath MCP, an IDE for Unisys MCP software development. Official. 13. 5TCPUDPDCEendpoint resolution. Official. 13. 5TCPUDPMicrosoft EPMAP End Point Mapper, also known as DCERPC Locator service,5. DHCP server, DNS server and WINS. Also used by DCOMOfficial. Assigned. UDPNet. BIOS Name Service, used for name registration and resolution5. Official. 13. 8TCPUDPNet. BIOS Datagram Service75. Official. 13. 9TCPAssigned. Net. BIOS Session Service5. Official. 14. 3TCPAssigned. Lista de portas dos protocolos TCP e UDP Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre. A tabela abaixo indica o status da porta com as seguintes cores e legendas. Oficial se a aplicao e a combinao da porta est no IANA list of port assignments No oficial se a aplicao e a combinao de porta no est na lista de portas do IANA e. Conflito se a porta utilizada usualmente por dois ou mais protocolos. EPI se a porta utilizada como padro interno. Porta. Descrio. Status. TCP,UDPReservada. Fora de Servio. 1TCP,UDPTCPMUX Servio de porta TCP multiplexadorOficial. TCP,UDPRJE Remote Job Entry Entrada de trabalho remotoOficial. TCP,UDPECHO protocol. Oficial. 9TCP,UDPDISCARD protocol. Oficial. 11TCP,UDPSYSTAT protocol. Oficial. 13TCP,UDPDAYTIME protocol. Oficial. 17TCP,UDPQOTD Quote of the Day protocol. Oficial. 18TCP,UDPMessage Send Protocol Protocolo de envio de mensagemOficial. TCP,UDPCHARGEN protocol Character Generator Protocol Protocolo de gerao de caracterOficial. TCPFTP File Transfer protocol Protocolo de transferncia de arquivo data port. Oficial. 21TCPFTP File Transfer protocol Protocolo de transferncia de arquivo control command port. Oficial. 22TCP,UDPSSH Secure Shell Shell seguro Usada para logins seguros, transferncia de arquivos e redirecionamento de porta. Oficial. 23TCP,UDPTelnet protocol Comunicao de texto sem encriptao. Oficial. 25TCP,UDPSMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Protocolo simples de envio de e mail usada para roteamento de e mail entre servidores Atualmente utilizada a porta 5. Comit Gestor da Internet no Brasil CGI. Oficial. 26TCP,UDPRSFTP protocolo similar ao FTPNo oficial. Free Download Program Crack Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Free Download'>Free Download Program Crack Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Free Download. TCP,UDPQMS Magicolor 2 printer. No oficial. 37TCP,UDPTIME protocol Protocolo de TempoOficial. TCP,UDPRoute Access Protocol Protocolo de Acesso ao roteadorOficial. TCP,UDPResource Location Protocol Protocolo de localizao de recursosOficial. TCP,UDPGraphics grficosOficial. TCP,UDPHost Name Server Servidor do Nome do HostOficial. TCP,UDPWINS3No oficialConflito. TCPWHOIS protocolo de consulta de informaes de contato e DNSprotocolOficial. TCP,UDPTACACS Login Host protocolProtocolo de Login no HostOficial. TCP,UDPDNS Sistema de nome de domnioOficial. TCPMTP, Mail Transfer Protocol Protocolo de transferncia de e mail6. UDPBOOTP Boot. Strap Protocol server tambm utilizada por DHCP Protocolo de configurao dinmica do HostOficial. UDPBOOTP client tambm utilizada por DHCPOficial. UDPTFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol Protocolo de transferncia de arquivo trivialOficial. TCPGopher Protocolo para indexar repositriosOficial. TCPFinger protocol. Oficial. 80TCPHTTP Hyper. Text Transfer ProtocolProcolo de transferncia de Hiper. Texto usada para transferir pginas WWWOficial. TCPHTTP Alternate Hyper. Text Transfer Protocol Protocolo de transferncia de Hiper. TextoOficial. 81TCPSkype protocol. Oficial. 81TCPTorpark Onion routing ORport. No oficial. 82UDPTorpark Control Port. No oficial. 88TCPKerberos Protocolo de comunicaes individuais seguras e identificadas authenticating agent. Oficial. 10. 1TCPHOSTNAME1. TCPISO TSAP protocol. TCPRemote Telnet Service Servio remoto Telnet1. TCPPOP Post Office Protocol Protocolo de Correio Eletrnico, verso 2. TCPPOP3 Post Office Protocol version 3 Protocolo de Correio Eletrnico, verso 3 usada para recebimento de e mail. Oficial. 11. 1TCP,UDPsun protocol Protocolo da sunOficial. TCPident antigo identificador de servidores, ainda usada em servidores IRC para identificar seus usurios. Oficial. 11. 5TCPSFTP, Simple File Transfer Protocol Protocolo de simples transferncia de arquivo1. TCPUUCP PATH1. 18TCP,UDPSQL Services. Oficial. 11. 9TCPNNTP Network News Transfer Protocol Protocolo de transferncia de notcias na rede usada para recebimento de mensagens de newsgroups. Oficial. 12. 3UDPNTP Network Time Protocol Protocolo de tempo na rede usada para sincronizao de horrio. Oficial. 13. 5TCP,UDPEPMAP End Point Mapper Microsoft RPC Locator Service Microsoft RPC Servio de localizaoOficial. TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS Name Service. Oficial. 13. 8TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS Datagram Service Servio de datagrama Net. BiosOficial. 13. TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS Session Service Servio de sesso Net. BiosOficial. 14. TCP,UDPIMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol 4 Protocolo de Acesso a mensagens na Internet usada para recebimento de e mail. Oficial. 15. 2TCP,UDPBFTP, Background File Transfer Program Protocolo de transferncia de arquivo em Backgroundfundo1. TCP,UDPSGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol Protocolo de simples monitoramento do gateway1. TCP,UDPSQL Service Servio SQLOficial. TCP,UDPDMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol Protocolo de servio de e mail distribudo1. Administracion Y Control De La Calidad James Evans Pdf more. TCP,UDPSNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Protocolo simples de gerenciamento de redeOficial. TCP,UDPSNMPTRAPOficial. TCPPrint srv Print Server1. TCPBGP Border Gateway ProtocolProtocolo de limite do gatewayOficial. TCPIRC Internet Relay ChatOficial. TCP,UDPApple. Talk Routing Maintenance. TCP,UDPThe Quick Mail Transfer Protocol Protocolo de rpida transferncia de mail2. TCP,UDPIPX Internetwork Packet Exchange Troca de pacote na rea de trabalho da internetOficial. TCP,UDPMPP, Message Posting Protocol Protocolo de postagem de mensagem2. TCP,UDPIMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, version 3 Protocolo de acesso interativo ao mail2. TCP,UDPESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations Operaes remotas de curta eficincia2. TCP,UDPBGMP, Border Gateway Multicast Protocol. TCPApple Server Admin Tool, Workgroup Manager Tool, Ferramenta de gerenciamento de workgroup3. TCP,UDPTSP, Time Stamp Protocol. TCP,UDPIMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol Protocolo de mapeamento de mensagem da internet3. TCP,UDPHP Open. View HTTPs Operations Agent. TCP,UDPSMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Protocolo de simples transferncia de mail. ODMR, On Demand Mail Relay. TCP,UDPRpc. 2portmap. Oficial. 37. 1TCP,UDPClear. Case albd. Oficial. TCP,UDPA Remote Network Server System Sistema servidor de rede remota3. TCP,UDPAURP, Apple. Talk Update based Routing Protocol. TCP,UDPLDAP Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolProtocolo de acesso a diretrio lightweightOficial. TCP,UDPUPS Uninterruptible Power Supply Suprimento de potncia IninterruptvelOficial. TCPDirect Connect Rede de conexo direta, Conexo direta Hub port. No oficial. 41. TCPDirect Connect Client To Client port. No oficial. 42. TCP,UDPSLP Service Location Protocol Protocolo de servio de localizaoNo oficial. TCPHTTPS HTTP Protocol over TLSSSL transmisso seguraCamada de transporte seguroOficial. TCP,UDPSNPP, Simple Network Paging Protocol Protocolo simples de paging de rede4. TCPMicrosoft DS Active Directory, Windows shares, Sasser vrus, Agobot, Zobotworm. Oficial. 44. 5UDPMicrosoft DS SMB Bloco de mensagem de servidor file sharing. Oficial. 46. 4TCP,UDPKerberos ChangeSet password. Oficial. 46. 5TCPSMTP over SSL Conflito registrado com protocolo Cisco. Conflito. 50. 0TCP,UDPISAKMP, IKE Internet Key Exchange. Oficial. 50. 2TCP,UDPModbus, Protocol. TCPexec, Remote Process Execution Processo de execuo remota5. UDPcomsat, together with biff notifica usurios acerca de novos e mails no lidos. TCPLogin. 51. 3UDPWho.