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Mass Effect Play with GamepadJoystick controller supportThis profile is compatible with any standard PC Gamepad, Xbox 3. Controller, Playstation PS4, PS3, PSX, or any similar devices. The following profile is now available to download with Pinnacle. Update. The related PIN file has also been attached if you need to manually import. Mass Effect. Pre built Configurations for Xbox 3. Controller. Xbox Controller SPlay. StationPS2 Controller other similiar devices. Basic Commands. Combat Change Zoom Level. Combat DrawHolster Weapon. Combat Fire Weapon. Combat First Aid. Combat Next Weapon. Combat Previous Weapon. Combat StormTurret Zoom. Combat UseInteract. Combat ZoomVehicle Cannon. Hidden Move Speed customHidden Tactics HUDThrusters customMiscOther Codex. MiscOther Equipment. MiscOther Goto Normandy. MiscOther Journal. MiscOther Map. MiscOther Mission Computer. Top 47 Websites to Stream your favorite TV Shows Movies Online Best of 2014. Xbox One Backwards Compatibility How to play Xbox 360 games on Xbox One. Microsoft has been great at embracing backwards compatibility, and the list of supported. Xbox. com Link Description Castle Crashers Battle your way across frozen tundras, deadly lava fields, and rival kingdoms in search of your kidnapped princess in this. Here is a profile for Mass Effect created for the Xbox 360 controller and most other similar Game pads Notes. This guide tells you how to open a port on the VisionNet M505N. Heres every Xbox 360 game that works on Xbox One via backward compatibility. Backward Compatibility Features Available at no additional cost you dont have to pay to play games you already own. Keep your Xbox 360 game saves, game addons. MiscOther Quick Save. MiscOther Squad. MiscOther Tactics HUDThrusters. Movement Crouch. Movement Move Backward. Movement Move Forward. Movement Move Left. Movement Move Right. Movement Move Speed toggleOrders Order Attack. Orders Order Hold. Orders Order Move. Orders Order Rally. Powers Quick Slot 1. Powers Quick Slot 2. Powers Quick Slot 3. Powers Quick Slot 4. Powers Quick Slot 5. Powers Quick Slot 6. Powers Quick Slot 7. Powers Quick Slot 8. Powers Toggle Quick Slots. Weapon Select Assault Rifle. Weapon Select Grenade. Weapon Select Pistol. Weapon Select Shotgun. Weapon Select Sniper Rifle. Double Commands. First AidGoto Normandy. Weapon HolsterQuick Slots holdJoystick Commands. Movement advancedMovement basicEdit Updated 2. My modified profile based on the official PGP Mass. Effect A with a few tweaks. Notable changes LIST Hold A to SprintPress Back for MapHold Back for HUD Toggle Cycle commandHold X to bring up HUDUse Thrusters with smart toggle to reset hold back cycleRemoved mouse control from right stick and replaced with manual mouse commands to manually tweak camera speed if its too fast, lower the mouse sensitivity in game before adjusting the profileLB is now GrenadeRB is now Next Weapon, Hold for Previous. Hold Guide Button to switch to blue set, which allows quick commands as follows RB becomes Quick SaveX 1, A 2, B 3, Y 4, D PAD Left 5, D PAD Down 6, D PAD Right 7, D PAD Up 8 LISTNote If you have the spinning camera issue when both sticks are pressed left, be sure to LIST1Run Pinnacle Game Profiler as AdministratorInstall game hook to prevent native gamepad supportLISTHere is a profile for Mass Effect created for the Xbox 3. Game padsNotesThe navigation control, Mapped to the left analog button, has the potential to become out of sync with the game. The effect of this would be the run and walk would become reversed. I have carefully Positioned the interface so that this feature will remain stable. For instance, the tactics HUD can cause the Navigation to get out of sync if you press it while moving forward. To discourage this, I have put the tactics HUD on the back button so you will be encouraged to take your thumb of the analog stick in order to press it. I have not been able to purposely make the control get out of sync but it did happen one time during the course of making this profile when the game glitched on me, so it could happen. Z keyboard Key to fix it. I have modified the Vehicle Thrusters command so that when pressed it will help keep your vehicles forward momentum. This was done because the positioning of the vehicle Thrusters command requires you to take your thumb off the analog stick that controls vehicle Navigation,causing you to slow down. I have Mapped the toggle quick slots command to the X button to simplify the usage of the quick slots but to use them you still have to press the keyboard keys designated for the individual quick slots. These commands dont appear to be necessary to play the game and It just wasnt very practical to try and include them in the profile at this point. Have Fun First of all, this is my first profile. Ive just usually found good ones on here and used them but Ive just got Mass Effect and tried nikko. ME player on the 3. So thanks to nikko. I apologise if you have a problem with me using it. Anyway, Ive mapped out a profile with mimicks the 3. I may aswell share it for those looking for a more console type experience. Here are the controls. ON FOOTA BUTTON Interact. B BUTTON CancelHolster Weapon. X BUTTON Unused. Y BUTTON First Aid. LB Previous WeaponHold for Tactics HUDRB Next WeaponHold for Tactics HUDBACK ThrowDetonate Grenade. START Mission Computer MenuLeft THUMBSTICK Move. LEFT THUMBSTICK BUTTON Crouch. Right THUMBSTICK Move Camera. RIGHT THUMBSTICK BUTTON SprintStorm. RIGHT TRIGGER Fire Weapon. LEFT TRIGGER Zoom. TEAM COMMANDSUP Move. DOWN Take Cover. RIGHT TargetAttack. LEFT Rally. MAKO CONTROLSA BUTTON ENTER Vehicle. B BUTTON Exit Vehicle. X BUTTON Return to Normandy. Y BUTTON Repair Vehicle. RIGHT TRIGGER Fire Machine Gun. LEFT TRIGGER Fire Cannon. LEFT THUMBSTICK Move. Template Monster Joomla Download Blogspot. RIGHT THUMBSTICK Camera. RIGHT THUMBSTICK BUTTON Cannon Zoom. Dont think Ive missed any out. Its not 1. 00 like the 3. I also havent tried the controls in the Mako yet but should work fine. In the Tactics HUD, you will have to use the mouse to select what powerweapon you want to use its a bit of a pain but easy enough to use plus the game pauses anyway. If you use it an have any problems, then post here and I will try to change it. Mass Effect Profile by Danny. Cool. Hi guys This is my version of the controller profile for Mass Effect. I think its the most comfortable for this game and the closest to the console controlsEvery control has been assignedThis profile includes also the fix for the camera spin issueYOU ONLY HAVE TO DO ONE TWEAK INGAME Assign the zoom level switch to TI ALSO RECOMMEND YOU TO PERSONALIZE THE VEHICLE CONTROLSTips Hold LB or RB and press A, B, X or Y to perform an action from the quick slots Hold Y and press LB or RB to cycle through weapons, if you instead hold Y and press a D pad direction you will draw the different weapons When you open the Powers Menu the mouse cursor will position at the centre of the screen to give you a little more comfortable access to all powers and weapons. This is the controller map Other Controls Holding LB X Quick Slot 1. Y Quick Slot 2. B Quick Slot 3. A Quick Slot 4. Holding. RB X Quick Slot 5. Y Quick Slot 6. B Quick Slot 7. A Quick Slot 8. Holding Y LB Previous Weapon. RB Next Weapon. D pad LEFT Draw Sniper rifle. D pad RIGHT Draw Assault rifle. D pad UP Draw Shotgun. D pad DOWN Draw Pistol. Hope you like it D updated version Check the Mass Effect 2 controller profile Ive made http pinnaclegameprofiler. Mass effect 2 best game profile 2. Adept, for those of you not up on the in universe ME lexicon, is someone who uses kablooey powers over shooty guns. This means that special attention was paid to binding the powers to hotkeys or quickslots, which are in turn bound to the face buttons. List of cooperative Xbox 3. This is a list of Xbox 3. Xbox 3. 60 games listeditArcade titleseditArcade titles are available for download from Xbox Live Arcade. Most of these titles have a monetary cost. Aegis WingeditNumber of level maps 6. Alien Breed 1 EvolutioneditAlien Breed 2 AssaulteditAlien Breed 3 DescenteditAssault HeroeseditXbox. Link. Description Assault Heroes is an arcade style, top down, dual joysick shooter. Game Rating T TeenOffline Co Op 2 players same screenOnline Co Op 2 players. Assault Heroes 2editXbox. Link. Description Assault Heroes 2 is an arcade style, top down, dual joystick shooter. Game Rating T TeenOffline Co Op 2 players same screenOnline Co Op 2 players. Battlefield 1. 94. Xbox. com Link. Description Battlefield 1. EA developed by DICE for the Xbox 3. Xbox Live Arcade service. The title was released on July 8, 2. Game Rating T TeenCo op Mode 2 2. Number of level maps 4. Boogie BunnieseditXbox. Link. Description Boogie Bunnies is a match 3 puzzle game developed by Artech Studios for the Xbox 3. Xbox Live Arcade service and Windows PCs. The game features same machine and Xbox Live co op multiplayer. The title was released on January 1. Game Rating E EveryoneCo op Mode 01 players. Number of level maps Boom Boom RocketeditXbox. Link. Description Boom Boom Rocket is a rhythm game developed by Geometry Wars Creators Bizarre Creations for the Xbox 3. Xbox Live Arcade service. Game Rating EEveryoneCo op Mode 1 2 Players. Number of level maps Castle CrasherseditXbox. Link. Description Castle Crashers Battle your way across frozen tundras, deadly lava fields, and rival kingdoms in search of your kidnapped princess in this epic adventure. Eliminate your enemies with over 2. Adventure together like never before up to 4 can team up on the same console or over Xbox LIVE The title was released on August 2. Game Rating T TeenCo op Mode 2 4 players. Number of level maps Crimson AllianceeditXbox. Link. Description Crimson Alliance is a co op action RPG where up to four players can tackle dungeons together. Game Rating T TeenCo op Mode 2 4 players. Dead BlockeditXbox. Link. Description Dead Block is a third person action strategy video game in which three survivors of a zombie outbreak attempt to keep zombies out of a safehouse. Game Rating T TeenCo op Mode 1 4 players split screenGel Set MatcheditXbox. Link. Description In Gel Set Match the player jumps, throws and matches gel blocks of the same color in Action or Puzzle mode. The title was released on May 2. Game Rating T TeenCo op Mode 1 2 players in Action or Puzzle Mode Same screen or Xbox LiveIkarugaeditXbox. Link. Description Ikaruga is a classic Japanese arcade shooter, re mastered for high definition television sets. The title was released on April 9, 2. Game Rating E EveryoneCo op Mode 1 2 players Same screen or Xbox LiveLara Croft and the Guardian of LighteditXbox. Link. Description Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a fixed camera 3. D platform with an isometric viewpoint action video game. R Type DimensionseditXbox. Link. Description R Type Dimensions is converted versions of R Type and R Type II scrolling shooters with added co op functionality both local and Xbox Live. Game Rating E EveryoneCo op Mode 1 2 players. Number of levels maps 1. Scott Pilgrim vs the WorldeditXbox. Robert Miner Torrent more. Link. Co op Mode 1 4 players Local, Online multiplayer requires expansion packSerious Sam First EncountereditSerious Sam Second EncountereditSpare PartseditXbox. Link. Genre Platform, Action Adventure. Offline Co Op 2 players same screenOnline Co Op 2 players. Price 8. 00 MSPSplosion ManeditXbox. Link. Genre JumpnRun, Action. Offline Co Op 2 4 players same screenOnline Co Op 2 4 players. Price 8. 00 MSPOfficial website. Xbox. com Link. Release Date 192. Description Tron is a classic arcade game that has been published to the Xbox Live Marketplace for users to download. Tron has received numerous upgrades since its arcade version, some of which include enhanced graphics, CD quality sound and two person multiplayer. Game Rating E Everyone Mild Fantasy Violence. Co op Mode 1 2 players. Number of levels maps Number of levels maps 2. Multiplayer maps randomly generated by engine. Worms 2 ArmageddoneditXbox. Link. Description Worms 2 Armageddonis a turn based strategy game by Team 1. Xbox 3. 60s Xbox Live Arcade service and is the sequel to Worms. The game features Xbox Live co op multiplayer and was released on July 1, 2. Game Rating E EveryoneCo op Mode 1 4 players. Number of levels maps 3. Multiplayer maps randomly generated by engine. Retail titleseditRetail titles are those titles sold at retail stores or retail web sites. They are provided on DVD media, and are usually packaged in a plastic DVD case. Americas Army True SoldierseditNumber of level maps Whole single player experience. Army of TwoeditXbox. Link. Description Army of Two, commonly abbreviated as Ao. T or Ao. 2, is a video game developed by Electronic Arts, released on Play. Station 3 and Xbox 3. Ricevuta Di Pagamento Stipendio Badante more. March 4, 2. 00. 8 in North America. Army of Two is a third person shooter game focusing on the fictional story of two private military contractorscharacterized as mercenaries fighting through war, political turmoil, and a conspiracy so vast it threatens the entire world in a timeline spanning from 1. Focusing on co operative strategies, Army of Twos highlighting feature is the necessity to use coordinated teamwork to accomplish the games goals. While the game is meant to be played with another human as your partner, a Partner Artificial IntelligencePAI is also included and programmed to follow the players strategies in suit. Dependence on your partnerwhether human or PAI is so pronounced that certain objectives may be impossible to complete without it. Game Rating T Teen Strong Language. Gamerankings. com 7. Campaign 2 free DLC Missions. Local Split Screen co op. Army of Two The 4. DayeditArmy of Two The Devils CarteleditBlazing Angels Squadrons of WWIIeditBorderlandseditXbox. Link. Description Borderlands is a science fiction first person shooter with RPG elements. The game features co op campaign. Game Rating M MatureCo op mode co operative gameplay with up to 2 players via split screen, or 4 players via Xbox LIVE. Host decides on questsmissions allies can complete them too if they are equally far in the game. Character level max is 5. Secret Armory DLC add on increases level cap to 6. Clap Trap Relvolution Add on increased the level cap further to level 6. Borderlands 2editXbox. Link. Game Rating M MatureCo op mode co operative gameplay with up to 2 players via split screen, or 4 players via Xbox LIVE or System Link. Xbox. com Link. Description Brink is first person shooter featuring cooperative multiplayer campaign. Game Rating T TeenCo op mode online multiplayer via Xbox LIVE. BulletstormeditXbox. Link. Description Bulletstorm is first person shooter featuring cooperative multiplayer campaign. Game Rating M MatureCo op mode online multiplayer via Xbox LIVE. Burnout Paradiseeditmusic and also featured on the in game soundtrack. Game Rating E1. 0 Everyone 1. Language, Violence. Co op Mode 2 8 players on Xbox Live.