Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3 Wikipedia. Battlefield 3 is a first person shootervideo game developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. It is a direct sequel to 2. Battlefield 2, and the eleventh installment in the Battlefield franchise. Battlefield 3 WalkthroughGameStop Buy Battlefield 3, Electronic Arts, Xbox 360, Find release dates, customer reviews, previews and screenshots. Explore Battlefields history with videos and trailers for Battlefield 3, EA and DICEs awardwinning firstpersonshooter. Product Description. Battlefield 3 leaps ahead of the competition with the power of Frostbite 2, the next installment of DICEs cuttingedge game engine. Battlefield 3 Release Date' title='Battlefield 3 Release Date' />Battlefield 3 Ps3Battlefield 3 is a firstperson shooter video game developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. It is a direct sequel to 2005s Battlefield 2, and the. GameStop Buy Battlefield 3, Electronic Arts, PC, Find release dates, customer reviews, previews and screenshots. In Battlefield 3, players will step into the role of the elite U. S. Marines. They will experience heartpounding single player missions and competitie multiplayer. The game was released in North America on 2. F 22 Raptor Rc Plane Pdf'>F 22 Raptor Rc Plane Pdf. October 2. 01. 1 and in Europe on 2. October 2. 01. 1 for Microsoft Windows, Play. Station 3, and Xbox 3. EA Mobile also confirmed a port for the i. OS platform. The game sold 5 million copies in its first week of release,4 and received positive reviews from most game reviewers. It is the first game in the series that does not support versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista as the game only supports Direct. X 1. 0 and 1. 1. 5 The PC version is exclusive to EAs Origin platform,6 through which PC users also authenticate when connecting to the game. The games sequel, Battlefield 4, was released on 2. Supercopier 22 Beta .Exe. October 2. 01. 3. In Battlefield 3s campaign, players take on the personas of several military roles a U. S. Marine, an FA 1. M1. A2 Abrams tank operator, and a Spetsnaz GRU operative. The campaign takes place in various locations, including Iran and New York City and follows the stories of Sergeant Henry Blackburn and Dimitri Mayakovsky. Gameplayedit. Screenshot of the single player campaign mode of Battlefield 3. Here, player character Dima is armed with a G3. C carbine. Battlefield 3 features the combined arms battles across single player, co operative and multiplayer modes. It reintroduces several elements absent from the Bad Company games, including fighter jets, the prone position and 6. PC. 78 To accommodate the lower player count on consoles, the ground area is limited for Xbox 3. PS3, though fly space remains the same. During an interview with Game Informer, EA stated that Commander Mode is unlikely to be included,1. EA forum. 1. 1 The game features maps set in Paris, Tehran as well as other locations in Iran, Sulaymaniyah, New York City, Wake Island, Oman, Kuwait and other parts of the Persian Gulf. The maps cover urban streets, metropolitan downtown areas, and open landscapes suited to vehicle combat. Battlefield 3 introduces the Battlelog a free cross platform social service with built in text messaging, voice communications, game statistics, and the ability to join games that friends are already playing though both players need to be on the same platform. CooperativeeditA demo featuring the new co op mode was featured at Gamescom 2. DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson confirmed that a split screen option will not be available in co op mode. Battlefield 3s new Battlelog social network, DICE noted, would be tied to all co op matches, allowing players to try to beat friends scores and to track their performance. Participating in co op mode allows the player to collect points that unlock additional content that can be used in multiplayer. Multiplayeredit. Screenshot of the HUD as shown in the fighter jet in Multiplayer Mode. Battlefield 3s multiplayer matches see players take on one of four roles Assault, Support, Engineer and Recon. The Assault class focuses on assault rifles and healing teammates. The Support class focuses on light machine guns and supplying ammunition. The Engineer class focuses on supporting and destroying vehicles. The Recon class focuses on sniping and spotting enemies. The mechanics of the weapons have been changed to utilize the new engine compatible weapons may have bipods attached which can then be deployed when in the prone position or near suitable scenery, and provide a significant boost to accuracy and recoil reduction. Suppressive fire from weapons blurs the vision and reduces the accuracy of those under fire, as well as health regeneration. The Recon class can put a radio beacon anywhere on the map and all squad members will be able to spawn on the location of the beacon. Several game modes are present, including Conquest, Rush, Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush and for the first time since Battlefield 1. Team Deathmatch. However, more game modes are available through the purchase of extra downloadable content packs. The PC version of Battlefield 3 is by default launched via a web browser from the Battlelog web site. A server browser is present in console versions of the game, however. SynopsiseditSetting and characterseditBattlefield 3s Campaign story is set during the fictional War of 2. Most of the story takes place in the IranIraq region. Other locations include the Azerbaijani border Paris, France and New York City, New York. Most missions occur as flashbacks on part of the interrogation of Staff Sergeant Henry Blackburn, and do not occur in order of events. The Campaign puts the player in control of four different player characters. For most of the story, the player controls SSgt. Henry Black Blackburn portrayed by Gideon Emery, a member of the U. S. Marine Corps. 1st Recon Battalion and main protagonist. The player also controls Sgt. Jonathan Jono Miller, a M1 Abrams tank operator deployed in Tehran 2. Lt. Jennifer Wedge Colby Hawkins, an FA 1. F Super Hornetweapon systems officer 2. Dimitri Dima Mayakovsky, a Russian GRU operative. The main antagonist, Solomon, is an overseas asset for the Central Intelligence Agency. Non player characters include Misfit 1, Blackburns squad including David Montes, Steve Campo, Christian Matkovic, and Cpt. Quinton Cole Dimas GRU squadmates Vladimir and Kiril and CIA Agents Gordon and Whistler, who interrogate Blackburn for much of the Campaign. On 1. 5 March, Sgt. Blackburns squad, Misfit 1 3, attempted to find and safely return a US squad investigating an improvised explosive device in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, whose last known position was in territory controlled by the PLR Peoples Liberation Resistance, an Iranian paramilitary insurgent group. They find the missing squad, which had been ambushed by the PLR but before they can escape the city, a massive earthquake wrecks the city. Blackburn, fellow squadmate Montes, and other survivors fight their way out of the ruins of the city. On the same day, the PLR stage a coup dtat in Iran, turning it into a military dictatorship, and the US subsequently invades. Lt. Hawkins takes part in a raid on enemy fighters over Iran and an air strike over Mehrabad Airport. In the aftermath of the air strikes, Misfit 1 was sent into Tehran to perform battle damage assessment and apprehend the leader of the PLR, Faruk Al Bashir. While investigating an underground bank vault in the targets suspected location, Blackburn and his team learn that the PLR have acquired Russian suitcase nukes, with two of the three devices missing. Being overrun, Misfit requests backup from an M1 Abrams column Anvil 3, including Sergeant Miller. Miller facilitates Misfit 1s helicopter extraction, but is captured when waiting for the arrival of the Quick Reaction Force. Miller is promptly executed by Solomon and Al Bashir, with the event being filmed and posted on the Internet. Later, Misfit 1 3 manages to capture Al Bashir, who becomes fatally wounded when they cause his escape vehicle to crash. Realizing that he had been betrayed and used, Al Bashir reveals some of Solomons planto detonate the nukes in Paris and New York Citybefore succumbing to his wounds. Misfit 1 gets a lead on arms dealer Amir Kaffarov, who was working with Solomon and Al Bashir.